Inner Light Revivial has evolved!

We started this business 6 years ago as siblings/best friends in the beautiful ski town of Steamboat Springs, CO. Our original inspiration was rooted in Conscious Breathwork, and grew over the years to include a combination of dance, live music, mindful river trips, authentic relating, and cacao ceremonies.

The pandemic allowed us the space for our own individuation process to unfold. We are both committed to following our own inner truth and supporting each other along the way.

If you have been with us at any point over the years, we are truly grateful to you for your co-creation and support. We plan to continue to deepen and form connections within the Boulder/Denver community and beyond!

with gratitude,

Aja and Danny

Visit Aja’s new site at

Visit Danny’s new site at

Aja’s Offerings

I love sharing the subtle magic of Sacred Rest. A nurturing space outside of the healing trap and our conditioned identities. A container to allow all parts of our being to deeply rest and live attuned with nature’s cyclical feminine rhythms. Rest from constantly healing and improving ourselves . . . often a ‘false self’. The rest that our soul is often longing for, so that we can enjoy life and share our innate gifts with the world. The way is simple and humble, where our life can be inherently healing, transformational, and life-giving.

Intuitive Nurture Sessions

  • In-Person 1:1 sessions ~ A combination of restorative breathwork, abdominal massage, Reiki, channeled song, and herbal medicine.

  • In-Person or Virtual 1:1 sessions ~ Restorative Breathwork

Sacred Rest Weekend Retreats

music retreats sacred rest
  • 4-day Sounds of Silence retreats for 1-4 people.

  • Customized Sacred Rest weekend retreats for 1-4 people.

  • Overnight immersions with ceremony, music, and Sacred Rest.

Virtual Sacred Rest Community

  • An online membership to support in cyclical living attuned to nature’s rhythms.

  • A spacious container to practice deep rest through yoga nidra, restorative breathwork, and seasonal attunements.

danny’s Offerings

I am lit up by creating containers that are safe, inspiring experiences that invite more authentic expressions of ourselves. I am inspired to show up with my greatest gifts by offering radical presence, safety, and a meeting in the depths of authentic emotion. I am committed to building and deepening community in Boulder, CO. My outlets of expression in these containers are breathwork, journey work, conscious dance DJ, dance facilitator and connection creator.

Breathwork & Dance

3 month Deep Dive

Dance Meets Tantra

Boulder Ecstatic dance (BED)